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Hashtag: lovenumberone facebook twitter instagram snapchat - One kid at a time. One smile at a time. GET INVOLVED  /  WHAT WE'RE DOING  /  OUR MISSION
To ensure children live healthy well nourished lives You can make a difference in the life of a child A childs smile happens in a flash but its memory can last a lifetime
Our Mission is Simple

LoveNumberOne's mission is to love one child at a time and in the process, to see one smile at a time. This mission may ring familiar to your ears, but LoveNumberOne is different because we need your time and skills. We'll provide all the funds. In fact, 100% of all funds go directly to the children that we help, which is why we need volunteers just like you who are willing to share their love and time without any conditions.
Faith. Hope. Love.

We believe that Love, being the greatest, is the purest vessel to promote selfless action. Love leads to action and doing what you can do NOW despite what you have or have not. We all have love but face difficulty acting upon it. LoveNumberOne aims to be the catalyst that activates your love and propels it across the world by covering whatever costs needed to help a specific child or group of children in need.